Happy 80th Birthday Wendy, our trip to the seaside and so much more…

Wendy celebrated her 80th birthday last week.

Everyone at the Mayfield Trust would like to wish her a happy birthday.

We would like to thank everyone who attended her little party and sent cards and well wishes. 

Wendy would like to thank everyone for organising and attending her party as well as for all her presents.

Joyce has had a busy week; she has been doing Jigsaws baking and enjoying a coffee out in the community.

Melvin has been out and about with Lisa, they have been out looking at animals in the pet shop and out for tea.

The people we support on a weekend had an enjoyable day at Cannon Halll Farm.

It’s a favourite place for us all, we like seeing the animals and going on the tractor ride.

We also went to Inflatanation in Huddersfield, It’s a fun and safe place to burn off our energy.


Nathan, Alex, and Leah went to the adapted bikes in Spenbrough, they all had lots of fun.

In the hub we are making props for the gala, can you guess our theme?

The road to the Hub was closed for the day last week, so we took the opportunity for an excuse to go the seaside for a day.

We had lots of fun and ate lots of seaside goodies.

Everyone in the HUB on Monday’s go to the Huddersfield leisure to join in a day of activities and fun.

We went swimming, spent time in the Gym, and enjoyed the different activities within the sports hall.

Alex has been enjoying sensory time in the Hub and adventures out in the community.


Thank you to Collett’s, Blackpool fun and Tuesday Club went bowling.
